Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wow, I'm getting anal in my quest to be tidier....'Cracker Jack' marigolds from Dollar Tree seeds in a ROW?! Yikes! Once the mixed hot peppers and the callalloos get quite a bit taller, this whole bed by the house, plus the one opposite that runs the length of my front west fence, gets a heavy layer of closely spaced together dead Tithonia stalks to further heal this bed from being a dry oven formerly consumed by overgrown Cherokee Rose, Pandorea vine, perennial morning glory vine, and Sambuc jasmine and, of course, bidens. Then a few weeks after that will go a couple inches of poop and urine-soaked bedding from the nearby stable that does not use pesticides. Thanks to a neighbor two houses west of me setting out for garbage pick up a few HEAVY bags of oak leaves and catkins, and arbor vitae trimmings chewed up finely and sucked up by his mower, I was able today to "finish" the revamp of the west bed, which now boasts approx. 200 glads bulbs, an old clump of rain lily, my first ever Naked Lady amaryllis, two very old (1999) own root rambling roses, a few perennials, a former limestone fish pond now a bog garden with a young guava, Water Celery, Longevity Spinach, a Belembe and a mystery mint, plus lima beans and cow peas and sunflower seeds and seedlings hugging the fence base. Next goes in two more rambling roses, three shrub roses, some hot peppers and "Eliska's Bunching Onion", red and lavender tall old fashioned pentas when they are rooted, and direct sown dwarf lemon yellow sulfur cosmos. Once all these have some height, in goes a layer of dead tithonia stalks then horse stall cleanings. My goal is to make my yard look like a hyper-frugal, dumpster-diving, pack rat slob does NOT live here!

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