Wednesday, May 29, 2013

After its container gardens and lemon and lime trees bore a lot of food all winter, by a month ago the back east bed had quickly become a hell zone of bidens and other weeds, so I opened up one end of the anti-chicken fence about two weeks ago. When I closed it back up a few days ago it was stripped down to bare soil. I am sure the sweet potatoes will send up new growth soon. The only weeds left are a few dozen seedlings of balsam apple which pull up easily. Today the container gardens will get deep waterings, then mulched and replanted with summer crops. Two are large Water Wise Container Gardens that were created and buried last year. The old large pale tan rectangular container, which 20/20 hindsight tells me was in fact a very early prototype WWCG, will get planted today with a low-growing cowpea new to me, 'Dixie Lee'. Amazing how in barely 2 weeks the chickens stripped this area completely clean and turned the weeds into eggs and meat! Now to decide what goes along the fence line....Jack Beans? Lima Beans? Maybe a solid row of 'Everglades 41' kenaf to mitigate afternoon sun while providing biomass and food for me and the poultry? Oh how I'd love a truly SOGGY summer after 8-9 years of drought here in "Egypt"

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