Saturday, May 18, 2013

The long planned guava garden is now done at the southwest corner of the center food forest out back, with the guava surrounded by Mojito Mint, two Purple Stem Purple sweet potatoes, and several seeds of 'Fife Creek' okra. The pit was almost five feet deep, lined with a scavenged above ground pool liner, punched on the sides about 15 inches from the bottom to make it be a giant subterranean Water Wise Container Garden. I filled it hugelkutur style with logs and branches, oak leaves, stable cleanings, cheap white clay cat litter plus sand from the hole dug to lower the jacuzzi shell into, then DEEP soaked it twice. Yesterday I buried the lip of the liner with mulch then scavenged driveway paver chunks to hide it then hold it down. That corner has ALWAYS been drab, so I'll be tucking behind the gauva garden one plant each of old-fashioned, tall-growing red and lavender pentas for cheery color and to also attract butterflies. Guavas LOVE swampy soil and I lost the one I had in the southwest corner years ago due to perennial drought then a hard freeze vs. their growing like weeds in my Dad's low lying WET property in Okeechobee. The guava cost $10 as I recall, I spent $3 on the cat litter, everything else was free. Fingers crossed I get fruits this year!!!

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