Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hot Weather Veggie "Quail Grass"

Here is a great overview of the species and its hybrids that farmer Tom Carroll told me about and brought seeds of the wild form to the Wacky Hat Party. He and his wife love the mild tender green leaves the hotter and muggier it gets; his form "quail grass" gets 8 feet tall! I've sown seeds in a tray and will have seedlings to share in about a month. I've started a packet of a feathery colorful hybrid called 'Pampas Plume' from the seed rack at Lowe's I think... hybrid Celosias are very common in seed displays and super-easy to germinate in a tray since they are in the Amaranth Family (which helps to explain why the seeds are leaves are edible and nutritious). Seedlings transplant easily. I love the idea of harvesting summer greens from such pretty plants that I will grow in large numbers this summer once my nasturtiums crap out. John

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