Friday, July 15, 2011

Molokhiya Leaves As A Staple Summer Veggie

Last Monday I was pleased to see big bags of Molokhiya stalks sold factually as "Jute Leaves" at Tampa's  downtown Oceanic Market. But I was struck by how UN-economical purchase that would be compared to growing your own in wet soil in container gardens since the stalks are discarded. But I am glad they are offering this superb summer crop so people can experience the mild flavor and tender texture. The more we can grow at home the better as a basic tenet of personal freedom and empowerment as a way of life within and in defiance of the war-based economy that General Eisenhower warned us of many decades ago.

Molokhiya leaves are mild and tender and very nutritious and thus are amenable to a great many dishes. But the plant DOES need humid heat and wet soil rich in nitrogen to prosper.


1 comment:

  1. Hi John. You gave me a molokhiya plant last year. It went to seed which I saved. I started a dozen plants from seed, plus had some "volunteers" come up. They are thriving in my garden with just the rain fall and twice weekly watering if no rain. It is a wonderful summer vegetable and may be more adaptable to the wider garden than originally thought.
