Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I did not think it possible for me to hate Verizon any more after that mind boggling nightmare that resulted from responding to their promotion to add TV to my bundle, but they managed to rachet it up once more. I've been waiting for my box to send them back their remote and box to no avail, so today their robot left a message saying I failed to choose a return method and threatening huge fees! So a call there OF COURSE resulted in my being on hold a very long time....I used that time to find a Verizon TV store to take it there myself....all a GREAT distance from my home, plus a friend of a friend did that in exasperation but Verizon failed to record that she physically returned it and put her through weeks of additional hell. My report to the Better Business Bureau will be a novel. I don't see how a company can be so intrinsically inept while making extremely poor customer service integral to their operations.

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