Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dwarf Essex Kale Seeds $3

This very cold hardy hybrid kale bears wonderfully tender mild leaves perfect for salads or added to stir fry. In mild regions like here in Florida it is grown in winter, but would be a spring crop in areas with cold winters. Space the plants about 8 inches apart in the garden, and remove the lower leaves as the plants grow taller, just as you would collards. Excellent crop for the family AND back yard poultry. You will receive 1 tsp. of seeds, about 500 seeds total for $3 and a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.

Send to:
John Starnes   3212 West Paxton Avenue  Tampa FL 33611

1 comment:

  1. The seeds i got from you at the potluck have done amazing :) thank you very much! Everyone.. this mans seeds are AWESOME and Im glad I have the pleasure of knowing him :)
