Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sexing Papayas

I guess I assumed until recently that most people know how to sex their papaya plants but I was wrong. People will nurture a male papaya for over a year and wonder why they never get any fruit....only the females set fruit. Thankfully they are very easy to tell apart. I cut down my males as soon as I know they are as there is no apparent need of their pollen by female plants. Just remember...the male blooms are long, like a penis!



  1. Don't you need a male? I always keep one male in the area. As I understand only certain species don't need a male in the vicinity.

  2. To date I've not seen a need for a male.

  3. Hi John I have wanted to get paypaya seeds recently and I am not sure where to find them... any suggestions?

  4. Just buy a ripe Caribbean Red papaya from the market ( be sure it smells sweet and ripe) and scoop the seeds into a three gallon pot of compost, cover with 1/2 inch soil and within a couple of weeks you should have hundreds of seedlings.
