Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seeds of "Filipino Mexican Tree Pepper" for sale

This is the perennial (if protected from frost) "Tree Pepper" (Capsicum frustescens) I recently posted a video of here. The heat and flavor are on par with a good Thai pepper. I am asking $3 and a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope for 5 ripe pods that once you've dried indoors a few weeks, will yield a few hundred seeds to sow in the spring if you live in a cold region, now if you garden in a mild winter area. If you have winters harsher than Tampa's, I strongly suggest that you grow them in pots you can place indoors in front of a south window each winter. Just mail your payment and SASE to me at:

John Starnes 3212 West Paxton Avenue Tampa FL 33611.
Thanks and happy gardening! John


  1. Hey your selling plants of this as well right? How tall are the plants your selling and how long till it starts producing? Thanks a ton.. hope to stop by after my birthday sometime next week!

  2. No the plants I have are Thai Hot Pepper plants (Capsicum annuum) in one gallon pots about 8 inches tall, $4. I have some foot tall ones in 4 inch pots for $3. Thanks! John

  3. ima have to stop by and pick up some of these peppers for the seeds then lol. thanks

  4. Are you still selling pods of these peppers? If so are they the same price?
