I used a dumpster-dived jig saw to cut out the top of a plastic barrel that my friend Tim gives quite a few of (I made the cut INSIDE the lip at top to retain strength and rigidity of the barrel) then placed it in a south garden hard to get a hose to. I set atop it a purple plastic dinghy boat cover that was on the boat I scavenged roadside a couple of years ago to see where gravity was inclined to hold it most in place, and to see where the lowest portion is. I used a 3/4 inch paddle bit to drill two holes in that low area, then set inside a very heavy antique Tampa clay street brick to steady it in windy storms. ( but it WILL blow off in a big storm). The end result is a rain barrel placed where I can bail out the water as needed that was free: I doubt I used a fraction of a penny's worth of electricity to drill those two holes. Visually, it is now in late summer largely obscured by some molokhiya and cassava plants.....and weeds. One good storm can fill it up! John
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