Friday, February 26, 2010

my posting at about the reclaimed water issue

The simple fact is that the current reclaimed water program has been very poorly received by the public is that due to high levels of salts and chlorides, it damages and kills a great many varieties of trees, shrubs and other vascular plants, a fact that the city continues to ignore or minimize. Injecting water purified by reverse osmosis, or letting it percolate into the aquifer via wetlands ponds, would address many issues, including the damage to plants, wasting 50 MILLION gallons of reclaimed water DAILY by dumping it into the bay where it affects salinity, AND meet new EPA guidelines for discharging nitrogen into the bay. Mr. Miranda's plan is also MUCH cheaper than other other proposals involving building two more STAR type water treatment plants and laying a vast network of piping across Tampa. I hope that homeowners whose yards have been damaged by the current reclaimed water would bring it to the city's attention and consider suing for lost landscapes and trees.

John Starnes

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